Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The course is an intense month of instruction. Of course, you can proceed at your own pace. There are enough playalong tracks provided to allow for at least six months of continued growth as you exercise your new skills.


Yes, and here’s how. The video lessons are designed to be viewed and understood by ages 10 through adult. However, birth through 9 is a critical time for a child’s musical development. 

For this age group it is recommended that an adult or sibling in the household work through the course. The young child will be able to work with the vocal exercises and playalong tracks in their own way.

The nature of the lesson content is such that the young child will gain an incredible advantage with their music potential just from hearing the work done by others in the household.

The applied portions and demonstrations in the course are played on piano. But all musicians and instrumentalists will benefit from the course. The vocal exercises in particular are wonderful for improving intonation for singers and for string or woodwind players.

Piano learners can start from zero and learn with My Music Genesis. Materials to learn keyboard geography are included in the course.

Other instrumentalists will already need an understanding of how to produce specific pitches in order to benefit from the applied portions of the course. With that in mind, the skills learned in My Music Genesis will be very helpful indeed for all musicians.


Absolutely. While the course is great for Classical players, there has never been a greater need for good instruction for music producers. If you produce music on your computer using a keyboard workstation, you will benefit immensely from the keyboard harmony skills provided in My Music Genesis.


It sure is! Experienced players often have to relearn concepts that weren’t covered optimally in their original training. You won’t have that problem! The course is designed to help you build solid musicianship from the ground up.

Traditional piano lessons focus on theory, technique, and note reading. In other words, everything except building a solid base for aural learning. My Music Genesis fills that gap by teaching you to understand what you’re hearing. And then helping you create and improvise according to the music you hear inside yourself.

In this way My Music Genesis doesn’t take away from what you’re already learning, it enhances it.

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